Friday, March 30, 2012

So to reach my goal of walking every day I might need to clarify a few points.  Walking to the mailbox does not count...for me.  Sometimes I walk to pick my kids up from school. 1 hour there, 1 hour back - that counts.  Walks could be along the coast/beaches, bush tramps, hill climbing, along city streets, around a family farm etc.
Also I do want to keep track of any changes my body might go through in terms of strength, weight, tone, size etc so sometimes those details might pop in to a post here and there(ie -2kg if I find I am 2kg lighter than my original weight as of today) or distance or time details will sneak in. Mapmyrun maps might make an appearance too.
For the month of April I am trying to do 3 simple things for my health:

  1. Drink water - I have a water bottle that I will try to fill twice each day totalling 2.5 litres
  2. Eat right - I am currently in to ancestral eating/paleo so I am trying to eat 3 high protein, high fruit/veg, unprocessed, low dairy, organic when possible, no wheat, no sugar meals daily.  Food prep and planning, budgeting and knowledge are all very important and the internet, the library and likeminded individuals are all valuable tools. Try your local farmers market, some fitness groups or ask around friends and family - you may be surprised at who else is 'into paleo'!?
  3. Walk every day - Whether a stroll, an amble, a powerwalk or a hike - it all counts.  As long as I have had an honest outing and discovered somewhere new it counts. Or rediscovered an old walk too.  Just to get some movement happening and a bit of a sweat or some aching muscle to prove I'm still alive I'm happy.
Does a stroll around the Matakana Farmers Market count? I'll let you know!


Definitely time to reboot! I got slack towards the end of my pregnancy and this new year hasn't exactly been a raving success.  But the baby arrived happy and healthy on January 20th and I am happily back to my pre-pregnancy weight which is not all that impressive since I already felt I wanted/needed to be 15kg lighter.  ANYWAY..... weight is not my main concern right now.  My main concerns are:

  • fitness
  • health
  • being active every day
  • getting outdoors every day
  • seeing more of the beautiful Auckland region (and wider NZ)
  • creating memories
  • setting a good example for my family
  • preparing for a whanau funrun/walk in October
  • having a life/hobby/outlet/sport(?)
So this is it.  I am officially back on board.  I'll be posting daily whether I manage to get a walk in or not. Wish me luck;)